Rebranding Digital Britain (and other Gooleish ideas)

Rebranding Digital Britain (and other Gooleish ideas)

Trunch Village Sign by c1self.

Over on TechCrunch UK, the excellent Mike Butcher is wondering whether he has stumbled upon the ultimate location for a TechHub for the UK;  Goole.  With the addition of just one letter (in this case, G), this Yorkshire town could be transformed forever. 

But Mike; why stop with Goole, when there are other towns we could rebrand in our quest to fly the digital flag across Britain?

Acle in Herefordshire would become Oracle.

Eype in Dorset would transform into Skype

In a personal branding triumph, Much Birch in Herefordshire in would be reinvented as M Birch

Spey Bay in Scotland might trigger a bidding war as it morphed into EBay

And to thank them for kick-starting this movement, the town of Trunch in Norfolk would henceforth be known, as Techcrunch.

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