


Returning from Glasgow, during COP26 – UN Climate Change Conference, here are a few interconnected thoughts. 1) “The pandemic has taught us that national solutions to global problems do not work”. So said Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados in this fantastic speech; 2) We need to think harder about how we can support and influence …

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Building Better Networks

Building Better Networks

I’m looking for someone to help me to help others to build better networks. Could that be you, or someone you know? Please keep reading… My love in life is making useful connections. That love means that I’m lucky to be a shareholder in a whole range of companies and find myself hosting some of …

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How to MC, compère, or chair events

How to MC, compère, or chair events

I’m often asked for my top tips for hosting events and I’ve tended to share them privately over email and in conversation. Until now. Presenting and chairing is something I love doing, and I want to see far more people from all backgrounds stepping up, and sharing the microphone. In the past few years, I’ve …

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THN… (The Honours Network)

THN… (The Honours Network)

Here’s an idea which I’ve been pondering over the past ten years. I return to it from time to time, more convinced than ever that it remains a huge opportunity to unlock social impact. Before I begin, I had better put on record my belief that it would be an entirely positive idea to change …

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The Edge of Events

The Edge of Events

Pondering the future of events, physical and virtual, I think it’s worth considering what makes each of those two truly great. If we think deeply about that, we’ll find their “edge”, and by doubling down on THAT, we’ll deliver outstanding experiences. Yes, some things can be achieved by either physical OR virtual. But for certain …

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