Seeing The World Again

“The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” Eden Phillpotts
Perhaps that is one of the things that has been happening over the past few months. A sharpening of wits. A heightening of the senses.
If so, then we now have an opportunity to do much more than simply preserve the changes worth keeping.
We have an opportunity to see the world again.
To acknowledge the many organisations which were always there, but hidden. The people we too often passed on the street. The opportunities which we didn’t stop to consider.
What an opportunity we now have for a new kind of social orienteering. Exploring for ways to fulfil our increased desires to help other people, to connect with different generations, to support those in need.
In the months to come, there will be many things to repair and rebuild. There will be new things to create.
So let’s not miss the chance to discover the “old” things too. The things that were there all along. To see them for the first time – and again, with fresh eyes.